Thursday, February 21, 2008

Time pass at seminars

These are the thoughts that a boring seminar brings to my mind

My life is nothing but an empty shell, without life nor use i lay bare basking in this heat.............nothing is more painful than these wounds self inflicted by the shame in me........................nothing is more satisfyin than the thought that I shall fade away like a crashing wave...........a prisoner of my own thoughts, I do not want to be architect of my own doom,I do not seek any addicted to this sweet pain,im bound by this culprit curse.............I have pledged my soul to the devils enemy,but still im labeled an advocate of hell.........................motionless now I lay on salted grounds,waiting in anticipation of the judgment day................when he to whom i've pledged my soul,will come and take my sins away.........

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hello joyston...this is your first comment on your blog...!!...i am the lucky one it seems...he he....good work going on...turning assignments into posts..not bad..!!..he glad CS class came out useful for someone atleast...newez...good work going on...happy blogging...!!